About Us
TSCC was established in 2006. As implementing company
TSCC, shall be making itself available to all donor governmental and non-governmental agencies.
All activities, efforts and any required actions
including operational and management of TSCC are non-governmental and non-political.
We work in the following fields:
· Crush production
· Asphalt production
· Road Construction and Pavement
· Bridges Structures
· Underground Piping and Utilities
· Private works
· Building Constructions
· Land surveying
The best services that we provides for people!
- All
- Taxiway Construction in Mazar e Sharif Airport by TSCC
- Construction of 4 Asphalt Roads in Different Parts of Mazar City
- Chowk e Khabar Nigaran (Reporters Square) Project Mazar e Sharif
- Road Project at FOB Gamberi Laghman (RMTC)
- Gamberi Garison Expansion Phase V Project#(W5J9E-11-C-0193)
- ANA 1st CDO/SOK Project Gamberi W912DQ-14-C-4007
- Sholgara Highway To Firqa- Pule Babu Road (1.5 K.M) Balkh Province
- Asphalt roads in Alwan Electricity’s Sub Station in Cheshme Shir Baghlan Province
- Asphalt road in front of Nasaji in the 5th zone of Mazar e Sharif
- Mazar-Shabarghan Highway repairing
- Asphalt Road Construction in Mazar I Sharif